Don’t help your opponent – the struggle for strong chess moves
Making strong moves in chess is undoubtedly a fundamental aspect of the game. The ability to anticipate your opponent’s moves while planning your own is a challenging task that requires not only tactical vision but also a deep understanding of strategic principles. In this essay, I will analyze a chess game I played, where I encountered several issues related to making strong moves. These issues revolved around defending against imaginary threats, passive moves in a generous time control, and my failure to exploit a 300-rating point advantage to gain positional control.

The first issue that became apparent in my game was the prevalence of dubious moves, and they all shared a common theme: defending against imaginary threats. Two moves, in particular, stand out in this regard: 3…g6 and 13…b6. These moves were made in response to perceived threats that, upon closer inspection, were not truly relevant to the game. Instead of reacting to these imaginary threats, I should have focused on pushing other pieces and opening lines of attack. This pattern of reacting to non-existent dangers is a recurrent problem in my games, and it severely hinders my ability to build a strong position.
The move 3…g6, while appearing to defend against a potential pin by White’s bishop on f4, ultimately led to a passive position. It hindered my pawn structure and restricted the movement of my pieces, particularly the pawn on e7. Instead of this overly cautious move, a more active approach, such as 3…Nf6 or 3…d5, would have challenged White’s center and helped me develop my pieces more effectively.
Similarly, the move 13…b6, which aimed to defend against an imaginary threat to my c5 pawn, led to a passive position and a weakened pawn structure. It was evident that I was overly concerned with protecting insignificant elements of the board, and this was a clear departure from sound chess principles. A better move in this situation would have been 13…d5, breaking in the center and activating my pieces, which is a critical aspect of creating strong moves in chess.
Another concerning aspect of my play in this game was the number of passive moves I made, especially given the relatively relaxed time control of 24 hours per game. The move 11…Rd8 was one such passive move that did not contribute to my overall position. In a game with such a time control, there was ample opportunity to carefully plan and execute a more ambitious move that could have improved my position. This pattern of passivity reflects a deeper issue in my gameplay, one that I need to address to become a stronger chess player.
One would expect that with a 300-rating point advantage over my opponent, I should have been able to establish strong positional control from the early stages of the game. However, this was far from the reality in the analyzed game. The game remained mostly equal, and the outcome had to be decided in the ending phase. This outcome highlights the importance of not only capitalizing on positional advantages but also ensuring that each move contributes to the overall strategic goals.
In conclusion, the game analysis reveals that making strong moves in chess is indeed challenging. It requires the ability to anticipate your opponent’s moves while planning your own, and this entails a keen sense of positional awareness and a focus on relevant threats. My game featured a recurring theme of defending against imaginary threats, leading to passive positions and failing to exploit a substantial rating point advantage. To become a stronger chess player, I need to address these issues, prioritize active and purposeful moves, and develop a deeper understanding of strategic principles. Only then can I consistently make strong moves and fulfill the potential of my rating.